Sunday, November 27, 2016

Styled for Sweetness 27 November 2016

Another family that is new to me, meaning the first time I've done a photo shoot with them, and boy were they fun! The girls are so spunky and fun and such big smilers. Big sister has tons of energy and the baby really stole the show with her mellow attitude. Dad trying to wrangle the dogs and soaking up the love of his family is priceless. Mom styled the whole gang so beautifully they look like they belong on the cards that people see as samples on websites. I love that the colors they're wearing aren't classic Christmas colors. It makes it so much more modern and unique. I think we all had a good time running around the Christmas tree farm. Every mom thinks their kids were the worst and it's never true witnessed by the personality that shines through in these photos. Thanks for wrapping up this season with a good time on a great day! I hope we get to do it again. Enjoy.

Sunday, November 6, 2016

M.A.N. in Eau Claire 6 November 2016

Love this family. So down to Earth and easy-going. They invited me up to their home in Eau Claire to do some updated photos of their family. They live on this amazing property that feels like it's own nature preserve. A cute little creek and wonderful overgrown spaces, a photographer's dream. The weather was amazing providing some really beautiful light and an opportunity to photograph outside with short sleeves surrounded by "the fall" look. Mom's instructions to baby Marion were that she could eat as many leaves as she wanted today...and eat them she did. Such a cutie with the super curly eyelashes and her big drooly smile. She thought Dad was hilarious being a clown behind me in some of the photos. It makes me so happy to be invited back with families like this one. Thanks M.A and N. Enjoy!

Saturday, November 5, 2016

Kellicut Family Kracks Me Up 5 November 2016

This was my first time photographing the Kellicut family and what a funny bunch they are! The dogs aka kids had an incredible amount of energy and I think we all enjoyed trying to bend them to our will. The weather was absolutely amazing for November and Red Cloud Park was in fine form. I love that this couple didn't question a single pose I asked them to do except for maybe trying to get the dogs to walk on either side of them. That brought serious laughs from Lori and I totally get it now. A lovely group of honeymooners who I had a great time running around with and I who I hope to see again. Enjoy!

I love the dogs in these 2 photos especially the photo on the right where Klaus is looking down at Trigger (who is chewing on the grass) saying what are you doing?!