Sunday, September 1, 2019

Carley Kids in 30 Minutes or Less 1 Sept 2019

What a beautiful day at 7 bridges this was, ruined only by the mosquitoes! I haven't seen these kids in 2 years since I broke my foot last summer and was forced to cancel our annual photo shoot. They're getting so old! I put a comparison of the first shoot I ever did with them side by side with one from this day so you could see the difference. I think we did pretty good for 30 minutes or less, but these kids are pros so it's not really a surprise. Can't wait to see you again next year! Enjoy the previews.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Droolin On A Sunday Afternoon 18 August 2019

Little miss Ava is so cute and perfect and precious I almost can't stand it! She is such a summer baby being just as comfortable in a jumper as she is naked as the day she was born. There is something so pure about newborns and Ava embodies all of it. We did this shoot at her mom's home in the shade of a patio cabana with a wonderful breeze blowing in. The rustic wood floor looks so perfect with the woven basket her blankets are normally kept in. Hands down a perfect summer setting for a summer baby! Ava is super mellow and only cried when we bugged her. She looks just like her mom which is most evident in profile with their matching noses and cheeks. I loved photographing little miss Ava and I can't wait to see how she grows and get some snuggles in with her when I can. Thanks for accepting my gift and enjoy the previews!

Sunday, March 3, 2019

Ted and His Bear Turn 1! 3 March 2019

I'm not gonna lie, this shoot was a bit of a challenge but I had fun and there are some great images to help celebrate the one year mark in Ted's life! He is growing into the mini version of his older brother but with different colored eyes that are just striking to look at. Ted has this little point of hair that sticks up in back and sooo many teeth already. He giggles and smiles and does these amazing ninja roll moves around the floor. He is so close to walking all on his own and really loves it when his big bro HVH leaves toys behind for him to play with. I particularly like the photo of Ted where he is giving me his serious model stare and the one where he is in the saloon with his brother and their dog sister kicking back some cold ones. I hope they give me one more chance to update the whole fam but until then, enjoy the previews of Ted's 1 year mini session.

Sunday, February 10, 2019

Sammy Jo Rounds Out Year 1 With A Giggle 10 February 2019

Sam is such a happy little lady turning 1 year old. She loves hanging with big dog Cooper and eating as well as feeding him treats. Her toothy grin is full of droll and she has such a cherub-face. Already walking on her own she is anxious to keep up with her big sister, Carrie. I love that Carrie gets super excited when I come over and invites me to watch movies and play with her new Elastigirl doll. It makes me feel like an aunt which is something I have always treasured. She and her dad are the craziest clowns and there is lots of giggles and silliness in this house. Can't wait to see you grow and what sort of personality blossoms when you start talking. Happy Birthday Sam!

#awkwardfamilyphoto for the win at the end.