Saturday, August 25, 2018

The Theo Show 25 August 2018

It's pretty obvious that Mr. Theo stole the limelight on this family photo shoot. He has such a personality and is unbelievably pleasant and agreeable for only being 3 years old. His sister seems content to let him be crazy and allow herself to be entertained. She just keeps getting cuter with her teethy grin and the whispy mop up top. This is such a natural family that doesn't shy away from candid moments which make a shoot so much more genuine, I think. The smiles are real and those moments in time are the ones that make people weep down the road. Great grandparents, not to be confused with great-grandparents, were in attendance and really brought an interesting dynamic to the mix. They are warm and snuggly and don't mind a good nose smooshing or a kissy-sesh. I had an unreal time trying to narrow these down. I've been sitting here for hours with a bracket of photos, picking which ones make it to the final round of previews and I finally did it. Phew! Loved seeing you guys again and I hope to see you in the future as the babies keep growing up!