Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Winters Fall Wonderland 13 October 2020

Another gorgeous Fall day greeted me and the Winters family at Red Cloud Park. It's one of my favorite locations for colors and we really lucked out getting some pure sun coming through the brush. Always makes things a little more dramatic and saturated. This was our first time working together with the whole family, but Mom has been a favorite subject in her silly Holiday card shoots at our day jobs. The family may be new to me but it turns out, they're really secret professionals in disguise who are not new to being in front of the camera. Miss Adaline  knows how to be casual and pop the poses at the same time. Calvin is just energy in human form! Mom and Dad handle it all with grace and laughter. A great family on a great Fall day. Enjoy the previews and I hope to work with you again in the future.

Saturday, October 10, 2020

Roterings Recipe 10 October 2020

A recipe for a Fall Family Photo Shoot:

Take the Rotering Family (best as a set of 4)
Add Peak Fall Foliage (I mean seriously the colors this year!)
Mix together at Seven Bridges (other locations could be substituted)
Throw in laughing, loving and a touch of fart noises (always funny at any age)
Lay out under the perfect Fall weather day and enjoy the results. 


The Frischmann Fortieth Family Fotos 10 October 2020

Can you believe there are still couples who have been together for 40 years?! So impressed but after meeting them, not surprised. I think people are always curious as to what the secret is and with this family it's obviously a mix of love and laughter. They are all crazy and lovable and were so much fun to photograph. This is just a small preview of what is to come in the final products. Beautiful Fall weather at Quarry Hill Park hosted this beautiful family. Happy Anniversary Frischmanns. Youadaanniversaryitzaforteeith!