Saturday, October 20, 2018

Ericksons + Hoffs + Others = Fall Magic 20 October 2018

Perrot State Park is quickly becoming one of my most favorite places to photograph. There aren't too many people, the scenery is abundant and is gorgeous all around. The wind was brutal this day with gusts up to 20 mph but the colors were optimal and the sun was finally out and shining so we just couldn't pass up the chance to get in some good photoshoot time. The Erickson extended family I photographed a few years back in the same park but as Momma Michelle puts it, they're all paired up now and have grown! There are new Hoff family members added to the mix, a brand new human that was still in the belly last time, a new boyfriend and of course the same old fun faces. They are such a lovey family that I always feel relaxed shooting. They do whatever I ask and are always laughing which shines through. Loved meeting up with you guys again. Another shoot that was delayed in being previewed but have no fear family, it wasn't because there weren't any good photos! A few funny awkward family photos at the end that I might point out both contain Morgan. New addition GLENN has an acceptable sense of humor for this group and took it in stride when I kept yelling his name. GLENN!!!! Enjoy and hope to see you guys again.

Sunday, October 14, 2018

Klein Family Snowfest! 14 October 2018

A freak October snow hit us this day but the Klein extended family made the most of it and even got a little on their tongues! We had originally planned to use Silver Lake Park as our background with a rain plan in place but I don't think anyone expected SNOW. Plans changed and we decided to move this shoot indoors in the family living room which turned out to be very cozy. So much fun when I get to photograph an extended family and meet all the members I've never seen before. It's fun to see how they look alike and what sorts of traits they share. I got to meet all the family dogs too. In honor of a big upcoming birthday, the kids decided to go all in on a shoot for their parents as a gift. I love the thought of this kind of gift. Moments in time captured forever as the family ages, grows and matures. It's something that is valuable in a way that material things are not. Loved meeting everyone and having a little chat afterwards. Enjoy the LONG awaited previews and thanks for being so patient. Some awkward family photos at the end for good measure.