Sunday, March 3, 2019

Ted and His Bear Turn 1! 3 March 2019

I'm not gonna lie, this shoot was a bit of a challenge but I had fun and there are some great images to help celebrate the one year mark in Ted's life! He is growing into the mini version of his older brother but with different colored eyes that are just striking to look at. Ted has this little point of hair that sticks up in back and sooo many teeth already. He giggles and smiles and does these amazing ninja roll moves around the floor. He is so close to walking all on his own and really loves it when his big bro HVH leaves toys behind for him to play with. I particularly like the photo of Ted where he is giving me his serious model stare and the one where he is in the saloon with his brother and their dog sister kicking back some cold ones. I hope they give me one more chance to update the whole fam but until then, enjoy the previews of Ted's 1 year mini session.