Sunday, August 18, 2019

Droolin On A Sunday Afternoon 18 August 2019

Little miss Ava is so cute and perfect and precious I almost can't stand it! She is such a summer baby being just as comfortable in a jumper as she is naked as the day she was born. There is something so pure about newborns and Ava embodies all of it. We did this shoot at her mom's home in the shade of a patio cabana with a wonderful breeze blowing in. The rustic wood floor looks so perfect with the woven basket her blankets are normally kept in. Hands down a perfect summer setting for a summer baby! Ava is super mellow and only cried when we bugged her. She looks just like her mom which is most evident in profile with their matching noses and cheeks. I loved photographing little miss Ava and I can't wait to see how she grows and get some snuggles in with her when I can. Thanks for accepting my gift and enjoy the previews!